No matter how many times there is a new round of bad news, a learning experience is sure to follow. I have been seeing many quotes relative to being faced with trials, and how we are to deal with it. My typical approach has in the past been panic, fear of the unknown accompanied with the loss of sleep and appetite. I have learned from several different sources the basic principal, that situations can occur for both the good and bad, but it is our response to the scenario that defines the outcome.
I do have faith in a loving Father in Heaven, but it is my weakness of faith that diminishes my ability to place my burdens on his Sons shoulders as suggested in Holy Writ and have the faith that all will be okay. I do have faith, and have seen it work time after time and in those events where I express my faith with a calm and peaceful response that I find my place of peace. God bless those around me that come by this pure faith naturally, for showing me the way and believing.
Beautiful heartfelt post honey! It's hard to REMEMBER sometimes isn't it? I have the same problem sometimes. Love you!